Latest Episodes

The Golden Calf Incident: How Fear Can Overwhelm Faith
October 15, 2023

FAITH IS with Pastor Rick Stevens Delving into a profound moment in Israel's history, this piece explores the unexpected turn to the Golden Calf on what was meant to be a sacred night. Unpacking th

Live the Ten Commandments
October 08, 2023

FAITH IS with Pastor Rick Stevens People have been, they are, and they will be again outraged that the Ten Commandments arent posted here, there, and everywhere. Those battles have been fought, an

Avoiding Future Hells!
October 01, 2023

FAITH IS with Pastor Rick Stevens The First Amendment and our religious freedom are under attack. A citizen was forcibly removed from a Florida school board meeting because they didnt like what he

Opt-in To Trust
September 24, 2023

FAITH IS with Pastor Rick Stevens My heads exploding because your children need your help. Pay attention to whats happening in your childs school, and if necessary, dont back down. Protect them

God Caused It, God Solved It
September 17, 2023

FAITH IS with Pastor Rick Stevens Is it possible that the problems we face could be a setup? By that, I mean, could God have set up the circumstances on purpose? And if he caused the problem, could

God Calls Us To Protect and Defend Liberty
September 10, 2023

FAITH IS with Pastor Rick Stevens Imagine God standing guard over your household all night. He did this for his people on the night before they left Egypt. God kept his promise to Moses and deliver

The Bush of Fire
September 03, 2023

FAITH IS with Pastor Rick Stevens Oliver Anthonys lament reminds me that we all long for a better world. The Bible says a better world is coming. Do you believe it? Do you want it to be true? God

We Must Obey God Rather Than Human Authority
August 27, 2023

FAITH IS with Pastor Rick Stevens We believe in the rule of law and respecting the law. But is there ever a time when we break the law to obey God? There has been, and there might be again. Conside

The Confidence of Joseph
August 20, 2023

FAITH IS with Pastor Rick Stevens We live in a world where people regularly tell us what they want us to hear. In other words, they lie. We live in a world where people refuse to listen to the trut

God Knows and Redeems
August 13, 2023

FAITH IS with Pastor Rick Stevens Then learn from Jacob and his family as they become the heirs of Gods covenant. They arent perfect, and selling their brother into slavery is just one example, b