Adventure of Faith Podcasts

Adventure of Faith Podcasts

Latest Episodes

The Atoning Savior His Warning
March 09, 2015

Jesus Christ came to the earth to rescue those who are held hostage by sin. His salvation is open to all, but we must heed Christ's command to repent and believe the Gospel. Otherwise, we will perish with the judgment meant for the enemy. Following Christ

The Atoning Saviour His Covenant
March 02, 2015

It's important that you, as a Christian, understand the significance of the Lord's supper, and of proper participation in this spiritual feast that will help you to grow stronger in the Christian life. Luke 22 introduces us to Jesus' participation in the

The Atoning Savior His Authority
February 22, 2015

Now Luke 20 tells us that Jesus' enemies challenged his authority. The religious leaders confronted him with three difficult questions in an attempt to undermine his credibility. Their goal was to reestablish their own influence and continue their own age

The Atoning Savior His Identity
February 15, 2015

Who is Jesus? The answer to that question will dramatically impact how you think, feel and behave every day. At the end of the 19th chapter of the Gospel of Luke, there are three different scenes from the life of Jesus that define his identity and his aut

From Here to Eternity
February 08, 2015

In Luke 19, Jesus told a parable that gives us some insight into some of the changes that await us when we pass from this life into eternity. It's called the parable of the minas.

From Selfishness to Selflessness
February 01, 2015

Zacchaeus had money; he had power, but he was consumed with self and he was miserable. Zacchaeus had finally had enough of himself and he wanted to change. And if you want to be transformed by Jesus Christ, Zacchaeus in Luke 19 would be a good example for

From Darkness to Light
January 25, 2015

In Luke 18, there is the story of a blind man who inspired others because of the transformation that Jesus performed in his life. So we're going to look at his story today, and allow Christ to touch the eyes of our hearts. We're going to look at this man'

From Riches to Rags
January 20, 2015

The story of the rich young ruler is found in Luke, the 18th chapter. Now, most Americans really need to learn from this young man. Because we live right now in one of the most materialistic cultures ever in history. And we live in the richest culture in

From Fear to Faith - CJ Young
January 11, 2015

Sometimes it can be hard to trust in the promises of God. We are not alone in these doubts. Abram was called by God out from his hometown of Ur with promises of land and children but after ten years of waiting and praying he was still without either. I

Sustainable Faith - Brie Dilley
January 04, 2015

This Sunday Brie will tell us about sustainable faith and how we are to wait well. Don't miss this great talk to start off 2015.