Fail Fast Podcast

Fail Fast Podcast

Recession Expert, Speaker, and Bestselling Author Jonathan Slain

July 30, 2020

Jonathan Slain Recession Expert, Traction Implementer, Speaker and  Bestselling author of, “Rock the Recession: How Successful Leaders Prepare For, Thrive During, and Create Wealth After Downturns”

He coaches high growth leadership teams across the United States to implement the Entrepreneurial Operating System®

* How did you get into a recession* What is the Entrepreneurial Operating System?* What makes you different than other coaches?* Why should I look forward to the next recession? Opportunity in chaos?* What’s the first step to prepare for a recession?* How do I write a recession plan?* If you have money in the bank during a recession, is it safe there?* How bad will the Coronavirus recession be?* When will the Coronavirus recession be over?* Is it possible to become recession-proof?* How does one get an awesome testimonial from Peter Diamandis on a book?

Jonathan Slain‘s Book:

“Rock the Recession: How Successful Leaders Prepare For, Thrive During, and Create Wealth After Downturns”

coupon code “FailFast” to use at to get 25% off ANYTHING that I sell on my Rock the Recession site (our workbook, our report, and our do-it-yourself recession planning kit). 

Jonathan Slain‘s Links
