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J.A. Jance “Second Watch”

October 13, 2013
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Some bodies just won’t stay buried.

J.P. Beaumont, the homicide detective protagonist in twenty previous J.A. Jance novels, is back for a twenty-first outing – but this one is a trip back in time. But not exactly a class reunion.
J.A.  JanceJance

In “Second Watch,” Beau is coming out of knee-replacement surgery when he is visited by apparitions from his past. First back to his early days on the force with the Seattle PD, then even earlier, to his days in Vietnam.

But are they just drug-induced hallucinations? Beaumont isn’t so sure.

And soon, “long ago” becomes “present day” as Beau is plunged into one of the most perplexing and mind-blowing mysteries he’s ever faced.

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