Extra Shot of Leadership

Extra Shot of Leadership

Latest Episodes

Tips to Sharpen Your Coaching Skills
May 01, 2024

How sharp are your coaching skills? Are you providing all the answers, or do you take the time to help your employees reach their own conclusions? Great coaching conversations are extremely valuable for employee growth and performance. The good news is co

1 Approach to Building Stronger Work Relationships
April 03, 2024

Are your team members stressed, are they focused, are they ok? How do you know? With the workplace playing a central role in many peoples lives, it is important for team members to feel connected and supported by their leaders. So how do leaders balance

What Caused Us to Pause The Show and How Has Our View on Leadership Changed
March 19, 2024

Have you ever felt like your life and leadership compass needed recalibrating? Many leaders often contemplate a reset in January as they begin a new year while others may choose the fall when the school year begins again. Don’t worry if you missed those t

The 1 Thing No One Can Take Away From You
September 11, 2023

What can you accomplish with a continuous learning mindset? The answers to this question are absolutely endless! Anyone with an ongoing and self-driven pursuit of knowledge can build, create, or attain just about anything they set their mind to. Apply thi

#1 Reason Why Feedback is Painful
August 06, 2023

Great leaders rarely exist just by natural ability. Many great leaders have built their skills and reputation by way of feedback. Not the fluffy feedback but the tough stuff. The kind of feedback that can be painful to hear and can often leave a person fe

What Success Isn’t
July 20, 2023

Leaders with a continuous improvement mindset can drive their teams to accomplish great things. But what happens to leaders and teams when the leader is always striving for more? As they encourage their teams to do more and be more, what other message are

Most Impactful Development Tool
July 16, 2023

Excellence in leadership can be reached with time and a conscious effort spent on skill improvement. This improvement requires an understanding of leadership skills, identification of personal strengths and opportunities, and a willingness to continue to

Making the Most of Failure: Creating an Environment Where Employees Learn from Failure
May 24, 2023

Good employees make mistakes and great leaders allow them to. If this statement is true, then how do leaders allow these learning opportunities without putting their organizations and personal reputation in jeopardy?This week Kim and Pepper discuss thei

Building Leadership Skills Early: Engaging Children in a Leadership Discussion
April 19, 2023

When do you begin the discussion of leadership with your kids? Is there a specific age that you begin discussing topics like influence, leadership presence, and decision making? Kids of all ages have many opportunities through school, extracurricular acti

Inclusive Leadership: Is This the Style for You?
April 05, 2023

Learning new words is good for the brain and a larger vocabulary. They can enhance a conversation or a book, or even a great podcast, but do we really need to create new words for leadership terms that already exist? What’s the added value of the new word
