Extra Shot of Leadership

Extra Shot of Leadership

Latest Episodes

Leadership Presence: What is it and Why You Should Think About It
March 22, 2023

Are your shoes right for this meeting? Should you even be in this meeting? How much thought have you put into why you are showing up and how you are showing up? These are some things to consider if you want your leadership presence to work for you rather

Who is Defining Your Skill Sets?
March 15, 2023

Quick, tell us 5 things you are really good at. What is taking so long? Many of us can be quick to point out our list of personal flaws, but then stutter a bit when it comes to verbalizing the things we do really well. If this sounds like you, tune in to

Foggy Brain? Hard to Focus? Struggling to Make a Decision? Try This 1 Thing
February 22, 2023

Health and leadership go hand in hand. Would you agree with this statement? While good health may or may not make (or break) a good leader, it does contribute to their ability to think clearly, make sound decisions, multitask, and connect with others for

Two Important Actions to Setting Team Priorities
February 08, 2023

Are your team members scrambling to get their work done at the last minute? Are they unable to complete their assignments on time? If your answer is yes, it may be time to do a temperature check on priorities and alignment. Without clear priorities, a tea

Clarifying Priorities
January 25, 2023

Hey Leaders, its 2023! How you doing? Are you up for it? Feeling good about it? If you are not feeling it, how can you get yourself in a better place to engage in areas that really matter?This week Pepper and Kim have an open conversation about how they

Leadership + Influence = Power
December 15, 2022

Much like the ripples created by tossing a pebble into a pond, influence energizes an organization. The good news is you dont need a C-suite office to get the job done. With a certain level of understanding and skill, influence that inspires others to ch

First Comes Trust, Then Comes Team Camaraderie
December 03, 2022

Do we really need an extravagant experience like a ropes course to build cohesion and the comradery within a team? The purpose of a team building event is to get team members away from their work and

Wanna be Cool? Stop Taking Credit
November 17, 2022

Trust. Its a big deal. And it why we just cant let this topic go without one last trustbuster that can get a leader and their team in the ditch. Taking credit for the work of others may seem like a no-brainer buster but there is an art to helping your t

More on Busting Trust
November 09, 2022

With trust being a huge component of leadership and team success, it is just too early to stop the conversation.In the last episode Kim and Pepper discussed how indecision and unpredictability experienced over time can erode the trust between leaders and

Are You Building or Busting Trust?
October 20, 2022

Trust. Its one of the most critical elements of success for a leader and the team they manage. If you can build an environment of trust you will experience a team that is more energetic, more engaged, and more productive, but bust it one too many times a
