

Latest Episodes

[ Episode #69 // Carbon Democracy ]
November 26, 2013

The ideas we have about our government systems have been dramatically shaped by the energy sources that power them. If the physical characteristics of coal and oil have developed the expectations of our 20th century politics, how they also invent 'the eco

[ Episode #68 // Better Than Normal ]
October 30, 2013

Society dramatically underestimates human potential, placing our imagination within a limited range of possibilities. What are the psychological limits of our species? Is there reliable scientific evidence of supernormal human capabilities? What areas of

[ Episode #67 // Bubble and Beyond ]
October 16, 2013

A massive pile of accumulated debts and a global credit bubble are tearing apart our politics and societies. As illusory wealth continues to evaporate, a battle ensues between creditors that lent too much and a rapidly growing class of debt serfs. With th

[ Episode #66 // Changing Reactions ]
October 01, 2013

The catastrophe at Fukushima presents the opportunity to re-evaluate basic assumptions about energy and technology but the temptation to double down on business as usual becomes incredibly strong. Will our species obtain a paradigm shift in the face of an

[ Episode #65 // Restoring Function ]
September 01, 2013

A fundamental flaw in our economy drives the consumption of our ecosystems until they enter terminal dysfunction. This logical error has eroded numerous civilizations and landscapes. Can our species cooperate to restore large-scale degraded ecosystems acr

[ Episode #64 // Straw Into Gold ]
July 29, 2013

By thinking of the world as a machine our species has created an economic and political system that is dangling over an abyss. Many are optimistic for business as usual with an ideological belief in the power of positive thinking. Can we develop a practic

[ Episode #63 // Next US Revolution ]
July 18, 2013

With a media ecosystem focused almost entirely the corporate system, burgeoning elements of a new economy revolution escape the mainstream eye. As our political systems stagnate in the face of ecological, energy and social crises, can an alternative to c

[ Episode #62 // Land Grabs ]
June 30, 2013

A financial sector built on a foundation of continuous material expansion is seeking returns in a slowing global economy. Will investments in global farmland be able to provide the returns expected by pension funds, endowments and future financial claims?

[ Episode #61 // Cure for Capitalism? ]
June 12, 2013

Can we link the decline in our democratic institutions to the nature of the workplaces that occupy so much of our time? Is there reason to believe that we can transition to an alternative economic system while our current economy crashes? Can we learn fro

[ Episode #60 // Days of Destruction ]
May 20, 2013

While the cultural foundations of the United States are unraveling the unconscious programs of American society lay outside of public dialogue. Where there was once an American Dream, a spiritual void remains.  As the framework of consumer society breaks