

[ Episode #74 // Addiction Thinking ]

February 27, 2014

Creating a society around the idea of access to leisure time has resulted in the unintended consequence of rampant addictive behaviors. Nearly ubiquitous access to mobile high resolution screens and instantaneous information is an experiment on a massive scale. Will our sensory inputs be able to overcome the addictive tendencies of the human species? Can we examine our addictions to the harmful narratives at the foundation of our institutions and cultures?

In Extraenvironmentalist #74 we talk about the dynamics of addiction in modern civilization with one of the field’s pioneers, Stanton Peele, as he discusses his decades of work and the ideas in his new book Recover!: Stop Thinking Like an Addict and Reclaim Your Life with the PERFECT Program. Stanton explains how people have recovered from addictions throughout history without the use of pharmaceutical aids and how we can be empowered to overcome addictive behaviors. Then, Charles Eisenstein returns to our show to discuss our addictions to the stories at the basis of our civilization and how to respond as they continue to unravel. We talk about Charles’ new book, The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible.

//Segments on Soundcloud

// Books

Recover!: Stop Thinking Like an Addict and Reclaim Your Life with the PERFECT Program by Stanton Peele

Love and Addiction by Stanton Peele

The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible by Charles Eisenstein

// Links and News Items

#1. CNBC: can you be addicted to wealth

#2. Dubai: The World’s Tallest Building May Soon Be Without Elevator Service

#3. China real estate

// Extended Clips (in order of appearance)

[Break] – 37m

Gabor Mate on What is Addiction


Krishnamurti – Breaking the Pattern

// Music (in Order of Appearance)

Pixies – Where is My Mind (Young Edits Balearic Anxiety Mix)

Japanese Wallpaper – Breathe In (Hanami Remix) via Adam Not Eve

Du Tonic – I’m On Fire (Bruce Springsteen Cover) via Harder Blogger Faster

Shujo – Owls on Her Pajamas

// Production Credits

Our correspondent and editor Kevin via Sustainable Guidance Youtube Channel

Episode #74 was supported by donations from the following generous listeners:

David in CO

Henrik in Sweden

Patrick in OR

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