Extension on the Go

Extension on the Go

Want Daffodils, Tulips and Hyacinths in the Spring? Plant Them Now

October 13, 2015

A flower blossoms for its own joy.”~ Oscar Wilde (Photo by John O’Neill)
Bulbs that produce glorious flowers in the spring, must have several weeks of low temperatures to create those beautiful flowers.  Without that exposure to cool soil temperatures, there will be no tulips, daffodils or hyacinths to greet you next spring.
Today’s guests are David Trinklein and Tom Fowler, both are horticulture specialist with University of Missouri Extension.

Post-Flowering Care of Spring Bulbs
Spring Flowering Bulbs: Daffodils
A house with daffodils in it is a house lit up, whether or not the sun be shining outside. ~ A.A. Milne
“In most gardens”, the Tiger-lily said, “they make the beds too soft-so that the flowers are always asleep.” ~ Lewis Carroll