Extended Queue - a Theme Park podcast

Extended Queue - a Theme Park podcast

Episode 15 - Yay or Nay?: Fastpasses (Park Fanatic vs Extended Queue)

November 20, 2015

On this episode, Gabe & Garett from the Park Fanatic Podcast are here to debate about Fastpasses in a new segment called "Yay or Nay?"

It's time to settle this!  Fastpasses.... are they AMAZING? or are they THE SCOURGE OF THE THEME PARK WORLD?  Gabe and Garett from the Park Fanatic Podcast take the YAY! side, while Stephen and Tiffany take the NAY! side.

Who will win??? WE... HAVE... NO... IDEA!

After the episode, head over to our Twitter page (@ExtendedQueue), where you can VOTE on who won the debate!

Prepare yourselves for the Fight of the Century!
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