Extended Queue - a Theme Park podcast

Extended Queue - a Theme Park podcast

Episode 26 - So You Wanna Work at a Theme Park?: Entertainment Stage Technician (w/ Nick de los Reyes)

May 27, 2016

On this episode, we learn what it’s like to be an Entertainment Stage Technician on a new installment of So You Wanna Work at a Theme Park?
Our friend, Nick de los Reyes, stops by to discuss (along with host Stephen) what it takes to be a Theme Park Entertainment Technician.  Who are these dark-clothing-clad wizards of the shadows?  They run sound boards, lighting consoles, follow spots, video cameras, PYRO!, and any other thing you can think of to make that technical spectacular go off without a hitch!
Stephen shares his experiences working at Universal Studios Florida, while Nick shares stories from his time at SeaWorld San Diego.  Learn why it’s important to know proper knot-tying techniques, how to NOT act as an audience member, and why it’s so much FUN (sarcasm) to work with animals!
Plus, we briefly discuss our thoughts on the latest ride videos for Pirates of the Caribbean: Battle for the Sunken Treasure, Soarin’ Over The Horizon, and TRON Lightcycle Power Run from the soft opening of Shanghai Disneyland!
This is your places call!