Exploring the Midwest with Jody Halsted

Exploring the Midwest with Jody Halsted

Fund for the Arts Louisville, Kentucky | Exploring the Midwest Podcast Episode 38

February 15, 2022

The city of Louisville, Kentucky has one of the most encompassing community arts programs you will find in the Midwest – stretching beyond art works and entertainment and into the culinary arts .

Explore all Louisville has to offer with Andre Guess, President and CEO of Fund for the Arts.

Black Heritage Experiences Crystal Ludwick Photo Go To Lou Roots 101Black Heritage Experiences Crystal Ludwick Photo Go To Lou Roots 101

Public Arts in Louisville

Fund for the Arts proclaims that “arts are the soul of our city”, but what the organization focuses on is the public’s engagement with the arts.

Kentucky_Center_for_Performing_Arts_LouisvilleKentucky Center for Performing Arts

So you will find plenty of murals and sculptures throughout the city, but there are also public arts institutions like the Louisville Orchestra, the Louisville Ballet, and the Kentucky Opera. Children’s theater and regional theater also make a big impact in the local performing arts.

Louisville also has a vibrant ‘grassroots’ art community. Throughout the city’s neighborhoods you’ll find organizations like the Lousiville Drum Corps, the Lanita Rockettes, and independent artists embracing their local areas and making art accessible for all.

St_James_Court_Art_Show_Louisville_KYSt. James Court Art Show

“Art is one of the most fundamental expressions of the human condition.”

So much of what we know about history was expressed through art. It is how we understand who we are, what came before, and even how we express things. “Fine art is just folk art that stood the test of time, ” according to Andre.

Art shouldn’t be intimidating. It is something that, once you are aware of it, is everywhere. Art invokes thoughts and feelings. Once you are cognizant of it, you want to explore it more, become involved in what is happening with the arts around you. And you may come to realize that you, too, are an artist.

Muhammad_Ali_Mural_Louisville_KYMuhammad Ali Mural

Top Tips for visiting Louisville, Kentucky

Andre advises that visitors “come with a keen sense of curiosity” and be open to experiences.

Louisville is known for Muhammad Ali, Louisville Slugger, the Kentucky Derby, and bourbon, so you can easily create a trip based around those attractions.

Explore the Olmstead Parks and Parkways.

Use GotoLouisville.com to find events and experiences.