Explore The Space

Explore The Space

Fred Guttenberg On Activism After Parkland

January 27, 2020

"I've lost the capacity for fear and anxiety. I just have this desire, this mission, this need."

Fred Guttenberg became an impactful & important activist against gun violence in the immediate aftermath of his 14 year old daughter Jaime's murder in the 2018 Parkland school shooting. We discuss how he stepped into his activist role, how he embraces connection, and how he has shed fear to do this work. We also dive into Orange Ribbons For Jaime and its remarkable upcoming fundraiser

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The Explore The Space Podcast archive of episodes on gun violence

Key Learnings

1. Where we are now as a nation around the subject of gun violence

2. How Fred became such an incredibly effective advocate in the immediate aftermath of Jaime's murder

3. Shedding fear and anxiety and engaging with "very significant" people

4. Who are Fred's allies in his work and what he believes draws them

5. Connection as a tool and the value of being open to new people

6. Why Fox Network won't have Fred on their air

7. The growth and importance of physicians and healthcare professionals joining into advocacy work around gun safety

8. The origins and vision of Orange Ribbons For Jaime


Twitter @fred_guttenberg @Ribbons4Jaime

Fred's Parkland Vigil speech

The upcoming Orange Ribbons For Jaime fundraising event 

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