Hugh Culver

Hugh Culver

EE017 - grow your sales one person at a time

September 23, 2013

In this episode I’m sharing a lesson I received recently about marketing. It’s an oldie, but a goodie that I know you can profit from.

When I was in the rafting business (in the time of Telex and people writing letters) we relied heavily on mass marketing (“direct marketing”) to get customers. Brochures were mailed to our list, advertising and direct selling got the rest. It worked and I was lulled into this belief that mass marketing was how it’s done in the big league.

Times have changed.

Sure you can blast your list and post ads on Facebook. And you will get some results, but people want to buy from people (Chris Ducker calls this P2P (People To People) marketing).

What about you? Are you connecting with people, one at a time, to grow your market position and sales?

Here’s what you’ll learn in this episode:

** How I filled my first live training program with phone calls.

** Why we need mass marketing AND one on one selling.

** The value of letting your personality show.

And here’s my challenge for you. Look at how you are spending your time and ask yourself where you can connect with people, one at a time, more often. Can you be reaching out to your client community, your prospects (before they forget all about you), your colleagues, or even your suppliers.

People buy from people – your job is to keep giving them a reason to buy from you.


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