Hugh Culver

Hugh Culver

EE016-Barb Langlois - leaving work that makes you sick

September 03, 2013

My friend Barb Langlois. She did what most people would never dream of doing.

She left a job that was making her sick (literally) and did some soul searching to find her true passion.

As a health care professional with a senior position, Barb had it made. Education, well paying job, security, influence, but she felt trapped and unhappy. She would wake up dreading going to work and knowing that this was wrong. Her work was even making her sick (you have to listen to this episode to hear her describe it). So she quit.

I first met Barb at my Expert’s Academy program. Since then, she has been working hard at finishing her first book (on strategies for personal success), a virtual conference, and webinars. And her results have been amazing!

We have be helping Barb with the technical side of her webinars, so we know some of the numbers. Here are some of her results (remember, these are the first two webinars she has ever done!): in her first webinar 260 people registered (26% of her list!), that included 61 people (23% of those registered). In her second webinar 240 people registered (22% of her list!), that included 41 people (17% of those registered).

By the way, we know how complicated it can be to set up webinars (and teleseminars) and so we have been helping some experts to get started. Webinars/Teleseminars are an amazing way to stay in touch with (and grow) your tribe and test your content and get instant feedback. If you know that  you want to include webcasts (Webinars/Teleseminars) in your marketing, contact us. We are happy to give advice, or to walk you through the process.

Some of what we talked about on this episode:

  • What was the tipping point for Barb that got her started on the road to entrepreneurship?
  • How do webinars play such a big part in Barb’s success?
  • How Barb manages having lots of time (without going crazy).
  • Some of the tips that Barb shares for us on how to stay focused and not listen to the naysayers.

If you want to follow Barb, start here

If you are interested in her new virtual conference, go here.




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