Hugh Culver

Hugh Culver

EE012 - Melonie Dodaro the woman behind the enterprise

July 16, 2013

You are in for a treat. My interview of Melonie Dodaro is a special look behind the scenes of a true entrepreneur.

Named Canada’s #1 Social Media expert, Melonie is continuing to innovate, teach, coach, and speak about getting your message out and creating more profit.

This one is not so much about using LinkedIn or Facebook it’s more about surviving and thriving as a consultant. I admire how Melonie is not afraid to take risks and reinvent herself. We can all learn from her example.

I want you to listen to how Melonie watches for signs and then jumps in and experiments. First it was as a blogger, then a strategist, then building a thriving consulting team (I’ve probably left a lot more!) and now as an author and speaker.

Listen to how she increased her web traffic 50% in one month! And what happened before her first speech!

Links from this episode:

Reach out to Melonie and thank her.

Find Melonie on LinkedIn.

Check out Meeeting Burner for your webinars and teleseminars – it’s what I use!



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