Hugh Culver

Hugh Culver

EE011-John Lee Dumas on fire

July 08, 2013

In this episode I am sharing one crazy story!

Meet John Lee Dumas who left the military (13 months in Iraq), and then commercial real estate, to become a podcaster. But not just any podcaster. John posts one interview every day!

Here’s what I want you to pay attention to in this interview: this is not about podcasting.

Sure, John picked iTunes and podcasting as his medium of choice, but for you it could be a book, webinar, live event, or on-line course. His story is about being bold, not listening to the nay-sayers (rhymes with dream-slayers, sort of), and doing the hard work.

I want you to also pay attention to the revenue progression that John has followed. First he saw an opportunity with sponsorship, then he created a book, then training videos, and now the Fire Nation Elite program.

And every time he creates a new source of passive income. Sweet.

There is so much in this interview – grab it now and get started.

Products mentioned in this episode:

Entrepreneur on Fire Elite program

Entrepreneur on Fire

Meeting Burner

Let me know what you think in the comments below – I’ll write back.