Hugh Culver

Hugh Culver

EE010-How to outsource

July 04, 2013

Are you ready to outsource?

One of the toughest challenges for any entrepreneur is to prepare for and to delegate out part of their work. Michael Gerber wrote a whole book (the E Myth revisited) about just that topic.

We want everything to be perfect, just how we would do it and done now. Pretty tall order for anyone who is new to your world.

On the other hand, if you hang on to all the work, you are buried and can’t grow you business. Your day is full of menial, repetitive, boring tasks when you really should be out slaying dragons, and earning the big bucks.

In this episode I interviewed my one-and-only Sarah Esch in my office. Sarah is the Manager of Getting Things Stuff at Marathon and is a master at outsourcing and being outsourced to. Not only has she worked for other experts, like me, she organizes and maintains all of our sub-contractors and virtual assistants.

Here’s what you will learn:

−    Why it’s so tough to outsource and why you need to do it regardless.

−    What the heck is “micro-outsourcing�

−    Mistakes that you want to avoid when outsourcing.

−    A neat trick for testing your virtual assistant before you hire them.

−    How I got the jingle for this podcast created for only $30 (using four people!)

Products mentioned in this show:




E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber

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