Hugh Culver

Hugh Culver

EE008 Be the CEO of your life

June 13, 2013

I have a confession to make. I have been a wimp. Well, not all the time, but certainly enough for me to cringe a little even admitting to it.

You see at times in my life I have not taken charge. I didn’t have goals, make bold decisions, or say ‘No’ to other people’s ideas. And I want to do something about that.

I want to act like the CEO of my life.

In this podcast I am sharing a recent teleseminar I hosted called “Be the CEO of your life”. I am sharing why now, more than ever before in history,  we need to take charge and make bold decisions about our life. In fact, our life depends on it.

When I think of successful CEO’s I think of someone who is decisive, fully responsible, and constantly measuring success. That’s quite different from how I am some days. But I’m getting better.

When I let email drive my mornings, or say “Yes” to every client enquiry (regardless of how well it fits my long-term plan), or ignore my health I’m not acting like a CEO

As an entrepreneur it should be obvious that we need to take charge. But in this episode I’m tackling the whole enchilada: work, family, health, and life. I want to create the kind of legacy-making results I can be proud of and do in a way that serves others.

Here’s what you’ll learn in this episode:

  • The problem with indecision and avoiding full responsibility and what it costs you.
  • The three characteristics of a CEO I admire the most.
  • Why you need the kind of edgy goals that mean you risk failure.
  • How promise-keeping teaches our brain that we are successful.
  • The magic of celebrating small wins and how to do it daily.

This episode was a little revealing but a lot of fun to put together. Enjoy and tell me below what you are doing to be the CEO of your life.