Hugh Culver

Hugh Culver

EE004 David Wood about making connections

May 10, 2013

Have you ever wondered how some people make amazing connections with super stars of the world? Meet my friend David Wood. In this episode David explains how he meets and works with people with Dr. John Grey, Marci Shimoff, Tim Ferriss, and Mike Dooley. This is a fun interview that I did one block from my office in a very noisy cafe (sorry about the background noise!) I know you will get a lot from David and I’m hoping you will be inspired to reach out and ask for that connection you.

Here are a couple of reflections (I just listened to the whole interview):

*  We are all equal. I know it sounds corny, but there you have it. Don’t think that someone that gets to present to thousands doesn’t like a simple conversation with a good listener.

* Create intention. Don’t ever dismiss the power of creating an intention for what you want. But there is one more step: PAY ATTENTION. Listen to how David paid attention and acted on the opportunities that came his way.

* Serve first. The old axiom “serve in order to be served” still holds true. Maybe more so than before. It isn’t a strategy as much as it is human. Look for ways to help others with asking for anything in return. Even if nothing happens as you hoped, you are still further ahead.

Links from this show:

Make sure you subscribe to David’s podcast (listen to the past episodes – they are great!) Click here

I used this site for the 4 second bumper you heard before my interview. Click here



PS I’m going to have to have David back on the show to share more about his journey and where he is going next. Stay tuned for that.