Hugh Culver

Hugh Culver

EE 001: Welcome to the Expert’s Enterprise Podcast

April 04, 2013


I’m pretty excited to be posting my FIRST podcast on the Expert’s Enterprise site.

This has been a long time coming and I know will be a work-in-progress. But, like so many things in life, the work will be worth it. Here’s what the Expert’s Enterprise podcast is all about:

I learned a long time ago that you can excel as an expert (speaker, seminar leader, author, on-line marketer, or coach) without a sustainable, profitable business. You might be the most gifted author or speaker, but you will fail without a business. That’s where I come in.

The Expert’s Enterprise podcast will be the best strategies, tips, interviews, models and other cool stuff to help you fast-track your road to success. This is not about get-rich-quick. I don’t subscribe to that approach. This podcast will give you smart approaches to problems that you might have struggled with for years, or just since Monday. Either way, I want this to be incredibly valuable for you and for you to tell me what you need.

The Passion/Hungry Model

In this short (about 30 min) episode I’m sharing my Passion/Hungry model. It’ s pretty simple, but deadly for making good decisions.

I also share some examples from my business of how I use the Passion/Hungry model and how some other experts are using it as well.

After you listen to the episode come back here and try this quick exercise you can whip off in about 15 minutes (you’ll like it):


  1. Divide a sheet of paper into 4 columns (the left-hand one should take up half the page).
  2. Label the columns “Products”, “Passion”, “Hungry”, and “Total”
  3. Record all your products, current and future in the left-hand column (books, articles, speeches, seminars, coaching, on-line courses, webcasts, etc.)
  4. Next, rate each product with a number (o to 5, where ’5′ is the best/highest score) for:

“Passion” – how excited are you about delivering this product. Or, if it still needs to be created, how excited are you about creating this product?

“Hungry” – how big is the demand for this product? How ready is your market to pay money for this product/solution?

“Total” – add up the “Passion” and “Hungry” scores.

What did you learn from this exercise? Did you see some real winners that need more attention. And maybe you saw some products that are aren’t big winners and could be removed from you list.

Let me know in the comments below what you think of the podcast and this exercise!