Experts On The Wire (An SEO Podcast!)

Experts On The Wire (An SEO Podcast!)

109: How To Find, Get… and Keep Featured Snippets with Izzi Smith

July 24, 2019

Yes, we chatted a LOT about featured snippets – and get pretty detailed with the tactics. Izzi has a lot of experience optimizing for all kinds of snippets and SERP features in her work with Sixt. She even breaks down exactly how Sixt got two snippets for high volume and highly lucrative searches.
BUT, we also talk further about things like:

* How Izzi learned SEO
* Does structured data impact rankings?
* How to find… and “steal” competitor’s snippets
* Should we be concerned that Google is “stealing” our content?
* How to get mobile image thumbnails in search results
* How Izzi got into speaking… and how she calms speaking nerves
* How Izzi measures user satisfaction with content
* Do SEO’s love DuckDuckGo?

This episode is not to be missed! Listen now!

Show Notes and Links
Complete list coming VERY soon!  For now, here are a few links to things mentioned and we’ll have the full list up shortly!

Excel Spreadsheet mentioned – this is Izzi’s talk about it –
Video interview with Dan and beardless Rand, Fall 2012 –

Tables in SERPs example: