Podcasts with Expert Entrepreneurs in Publishing

Podcasts with Expert Entrepreneurs in Publishing

Ep #33 with Amanda Barbara

June 25, 2014
Crowdfund your book with Pubslush.

As crowdfunding continues to grow in popularity for different industries including publishing, platforms like Pubslush specifically for the literary industry, offer authors/writers not only the opportunity to raise money to publish their books to a standard they would want if they could afford it, but to also gain exposure to potential readers who like books within the same genre as theirs. Definitely worth listening to.

If you are thinking about crowding your book or like to explore what it would entail, you can sign up for an account using the promo code ‘crowdfund’ to receive The Guide: Tips To Successful Crowdfunding, an informative manual created by Pubslush for authors here

Interview with Amanda Barbara

More about Amanda

Amanda Barbara is the Vice President and Co-founder of Pubslush, a global crowdfunding platform for the literary world. Philanthropist at heart, she serves on the board of directors for the Pubslush Foundation, which supports children’s literacy initiatives worldwide, and is a founder and director of The Barbara Family Foundation, an organization committed to assisting charities and children in need.

Amanda is member of the Young Entrepreneur Council and is an advocate for crowdfunding in the publishing world.  She has spoken at various conferences, such as Writer’s Digest, Exceptional Women in Publishing, Crowdfunding East Conference, and the Digital Publishing Innovation Summit, and has served as an ambassador and speaker at CONTEC at the Frankfurt Book Fair. Amanda has also been a contributor to Elite Daily, Yahoo Small Business, Crowdsourcing.org, and Tech Cocktail. You can find more about Pubslush at www.pubslush.com

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