Podcasts with Expert Entrepreneurs in Publishing

Podcasts with Expert Entrepreneurs in Publishing

Ep #24 with Cathy Yardley

April 15, 2014
How effective are book trailers?

I stumbled across Cathy’s blog looking at the pros and cons of book trailers and contacted her immediately to request a podcast interview. My objective is to offer value to authors and writers, so they are well informed when making choices to increase their visibility and sell more books. Cathy offers a very balanced view on how effective book trailers are and if it’s worth the time and money! Fab interview with great content shared.

Interview with Cathy Yardley

More about Cathy

Cathy Yardley is a novelist, teacher, editor, and writing coach at RockYourWriting.com. She supports writers jumpstarting their writing career, pinpointing where they maybe stuck and helping them get on track to becoming a successful fiction writer. You can sign up for her free e-course Jumpstart Your Writing Career at www.rockyourwriting.com

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