Podcasts with Expert Entrepreneurs in Publishing

Podcasts with Expert Entrepreneurs in Publishing

Ep #22 with Shelley Hitz

April 02, 2014
How to market and promote your audiobook.

In episode #17, I hosted a podcast on the process of getting started with audiobooks; and once you decide if you do it yourself or get a narrator, you have to market and promote it. Shelley Hitz who has several audiobooks out, was definitely the right person to give all the marketing savvy advice authors need on exclusive or non-exclusive contracts. So much valuable content.

Interview with Shelley Hitz

More about Shelley

Shelley Hitz is an award-winning and internationally best-selling author. She is the owner of TrainingAuthors.com and is passionate about helping authors succeed in publishing and marketing their books.

She teaches from personal experience; and has been writing and publishing books since 2008, with over 30 books including print, eBook and audio book formats to her name. Please sit back and enjoy our interview.

You can download Shelley’s free training “Building a Book Marketing Plan†($27 value) when you sign up for her newsletter here: http://trainingauthors.com/newsletter/

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