Podcasts with Expert Entrepreneurs in Publishing

Podcasts with Expert Entrepreneurs in Publishing

Ep #16 with Amy Morse

February 05, 2014
How Authors Can Use Pinterest.

I stumbled across Amy’s blog on 9 tips on Pinterest for writers via Social Media 4 Writers, and thought it’d be a great idea to capture her useful tips as an interview so others can listen to the benefits Amy gets as an author herself.

More about Amy Morse

Amy is a writer, artist, enterprise coach and entrepreneur. She is also a Business trainer by day, performer of random acts of creativity by night and fun-loving Bristolian at weekends. Amy finds inspiration in the everyday, creating something from nothing and enabling others to do the same.

She is the author of The Bronze Box  and writes under her pen name Amy C Fitzjohn. She is currently writing the follow up, Solomon’s Secrets – read a preview here. You can find out more about Amy at  www.ideaism.blogspot.co.uk.

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