Podcasts with Expert Entrepreneurs in Publishing

Podcasts with Expert Entrepreneurs in Publishing

Ep #12 with Laura Pepper Wu

January 07, 2014
A Writer’s Lifestyle Magazine.

There are so many interesting and exciting people in the publishing sector and Laura is one of them. Her Writers’ Lifestyle magazine is sleek and a must have. She talked about setting Ladies Who Critique as ‘buddy’ critique platform for writers and offers some great advice about having the right mindset to promoting your book.

More about Laura

Laura is the author of 6 non fiction books and ebooks, the founder of the imprint 30 Day Books, and the founder and Editor in Chief of The Write Life Magazine.

All of 30 Day Books titles reached number 1 in their Amazon category on the US store, and she has also helped launch and promote over fifty titles for other independent authors. Her husband’s book, 30 Day GMAT Success is an international bestseller, and she helped to market and promote it from 2010-2012 when it was bought by one of Asia’s biggest publishers, Business Weekly Publications.

Her website 30 Day Books.com provides help and resources for indie authors, including guides, a blog, and an online video class. The site won 2 awards in 2012, and was named a top website for self-publishers by both the Alliance of Independent Authors and the Association of Independent Authors.

You can find out more about Laura through the following links:




Skillshare class on book marketing and promotions: http://skl.sh/11MFfeH

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