Podcasts with Expert Entrepreneurs in Publishing

Podcasts with Expert Entrepreneurs in Publishing

Ep #10 with Helen McCusker

December 21, 2013
How To Market Your Book On A Budget.

When I read Helen’s blog on BookMachine.org on how authors can market their book on a budget, I scraped my interview questions and knew the information shared would be so much more valuable to authors. Helen gives many useful suggestions that are not considered sometimes.

More about Helen

Helen launched Booked PR five years ago after spending several years managing the in-house publicity department for an independent publisher.

She is a trained journalist with a background in radio news, and has the depth and breadth of media contacts which make high profile coverage achievable. Having managed a hectic newsroom, she knows exactly how a good press release should read and the best time to strike.

With experience in promoting finance, political, business, lifestyle and biographies, her services can be adapted to suit most titles; and prides herself on developing and maintaining a good relationship with not only the authors she represents, but also the journalists she works with on a daily basis. Please seat back and enjoy our interview.

If you enjoyed my interview with Helen and would like to connect with her, please go to www.BookedPR.com. You can find on twitter @BookedPR and @HelenMcCusker

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