Expat Empire Podcast

Expat Empire Podcast

Volunteering in West Africa through the Peace Corps with Josh Guerrero

May 20, 2021

In this episode of the Expat Empire Podcast, we will be hearing from Josh Guerrero. Growing up in a town of only 1,100 in population, Josh got bit by the travel bug during his first international travel experience to Japan. Following that trip, he began to look for more opportunities to get abroad. This led him to move to The Gambia, West Africa, where he lived for two years as a Peace Corps volunteer. Living with a culture that was entirely different from his own left him feeling even more curious about other places and cultures around the world. He then found his way to England to attend graduate school, eventually earning a Master's degree in Field Archaeology. Now, as a professional archaeologist, he travels all around the southeastern US to conduct fieldwork.
Josh recounts many of his incredible stories from his time living in The Gambia through the Peace Corps in this episode, so if you want to know how you can get abroad while doing good for others, definitely have a listen!
LEARN in this episode:
✔ What it’s like to be the very first Peace Corps volunteer to live in a remote, rural village in West Africa
✔ How to pursue international experience as a Peace Corps volunteer and the elaborate application process involved
✔ The benefits of a minimalistic, experience-focused life
✔ The challenges of readjusting to a lifestyle of extravagance in the US after two years living in extremely simple conditions abroad
FIND Josh at:
►  Website: https://allaroundadventure.com
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