Expat Sandwich

Expat Sandwich

Latest Episodes

#005 New Zealand with Mickey Smith
March 02, 2017

Mickey Smith is an American artist that has been living in New Zealand since 2011. Living amongst the Kiwis is as complex as its diverse landscape. Mickey describes the ups and downs of living in such a distant country.

#004 Berlin with Adam Raymont
February 23, 2017

Adam Raymont is an American artist that has been living in Berlin since 2008. Berlin is considered to have the largest contemporary art scene in the world. Adam shares what it's like to live in a city with an incredibly complex history. 

#003 Mexico With Jen Farrell
February 14, 2017

Surfing. Tacos. Tequila. Is there anything else? Expat Jen Farrell shares the ins and outs of living and slowing down, just north of Puerto Vallarta.

#002 Ecuador with Catherine Campion
February 14, 2017

Single. Female. Farm. Rural. Ecuador. One brave gringa.

#001 France with Mark Repasky
December 28, 2016

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in Paris? American expat Mark Repasky explains "the American Yes and the French No" and shares what it's like to live in the most visited city in the world.
