Exercise for Beginners with Mike Womer

Exercise for Beginners with Mike Womer


February 20, 2015

In this weeks episode of 1614 Fitness – Exercise for Beginners, Mike talks about the importance of consistency and how it impacts your life. Whether it is in your fitness goals, career goals, or any other part of your life, consistency is the key to success. Mike compares two workouts, one that is high intensity and very difficult to complete to one that is lower intensity but with more realistic expectations. In most situations, the lower intensity is going to be more productive in the long run. Why is that? Consistency. If you are able to complete the high intensity work out, great. But if you can only complete it two or three times before you decide that it is too much and you quit all together, then you will be missing out. Setting more realistic goals for yourself that you can do consistently will set yourself up for success. Dialing things back a little bit won’t produce the same results in the short term, but you will be able to keep up with your work out and won’t get burnt out, allowing you to realize your goals in the long term. Mike also references a few clients that he preached his method of consistency to and discusses how it helped them achieve there goals.