SDRNews: On-Site Interviews

SDRNews: On-Site Interviews

Decision Point: Migration or Hybrid Workload Management

January 10, 2015

Combining virtual infrastructure and cloud-based computing technologies can be complicated. While moving a single disk workload is very easy, but it quickly becomes more complicated when there are a number of workloads to be moved, while preserving the flexibility to move back in house or to another cloud vendor in the future.

HotLink enables you to either move from Zen, KVM or VMware into AWS, move between hypervisors if necessary, and move back into on-premise if that makes more sense for the business environment. You can eliminate overlay solutions that provide specialized automation on top of multiple native management toolsets, managing from a central point of view.


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Hotlink at AWS re:Invent 2014

Combining virtual infrastructure and cloud-based computing technologies can be complicated. While moving a single disk workload is very easy, but it quickly becomes more complicated when there are a number of workloads to be moved, while preserving the flexibility to move back in house or to another cloud vendor in the future. HotLink’s latest product releases enable easy deployment of hybrid production workloads at scale, provide advanced analytics spanning on- and off-premise resources, and deliver even tighter integration between VMware vCenter and Amazon Web Services (AWS) for a dramatically simple and cost-effective administration and management infrastructure for enterprise-class hybrid IT deployments.

HotLink enables you to either move from Zen, KVM or VMware into AWS, move between hypervisors if necessary, and move back into on-premise if that makes more sense for the business environment. You can eliminate overlay solutions that provide specialized automation on top of multiple native management toolsets, managing from a central point of view.





Ofir Nachmani @iamondemand and  interviews  Jerry McLeod, Vice President Business Development – Hotlink




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