SDRNews: On-Site Interviews

SDRNews: On-Site Interviews

Sysdig Cloud: Imagine Wireshark for Dynamic System Management

January 09, 2015

If you've used Wireshark you may have wondered: When is somebody going to do this for system troubleshooting ?

The way that IT professionals deploy applications dynamically leads to complexity in operation and management, but autoscaling techniques complicate monitoring of infrastructure. Building on the SysDig open source tool, SysDig Cloud extends the technology and workflow that is designed to map and troubleshoot that are in constant motion.

The graphs and topology of the network is mapped automatically in one second increments, to aid in understanding the dependencies and asset deployment.

The open source version is at, and the enhanced commercial version is at


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SysDigCloud at AWS re:Invent 2014

If you’ve used Wireshark you may have wondered: When is somebody going to do this for system troubleshooting ?

The way that IT professionals deploy applications dynamically leads to complexity in operation and management, but autoscaling techniques complicate monitoring of infrastructure. Building on the SysDig open source tool, SysDig Cloud extends the technology and workflow that is designed to map and troubleshoot that are in constant motion. The graphs and topology of the network is mapped automatically in one second increments, to aid in understanding the dependencies and asset deployment.

The open source version is at, and the enhanced commercial version is at


Ofir Nachmani @iamondemand and  interviewsLoris Degioanni, CEO and Founder SysDig Cloud




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