SDRNews: On-Site Interviews

SDRNews: On-Site Interviews

CloudBerry Lab Not Limited to AWS

January 09, 2015

Security leads the list of concerns when you are using the cloud for backup, regardless of your choice between private, public or hybrid cloud. Making the decision to backup information in the cloud represents a shared responsibility between a public provider such as Amazon Web Services, the provider of private or hybrid cloud and the customer.

The customer's responsibility is sometimes overlooked, as organizations assume others will take steps to insure that data is not compromised or if a breach does occur that it will be encrypted.

Cloudberry Labs allow users to deploy their own managed S3 account, and deploy client side encryption insuring that their responsibilities are met before the data leaves their premises. In addition to local, network and FTP/SFTP storage locations, all CloudBerry solutions are designed to work with all major cloud storage vendors including: Amazon Web Services, Windows Azure, Google Cloud Storage and other public cloud vendors.


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CloudBerry Lab at AWS re:Invent 2014

Security leads the list of concerns when you are using the cloud for backup, regardless of your choice between private, public or hybrid cloud. Making the decision to backup information in the cloud represents a shared responsibility between a public provider such as Amazon Web Services, the provider of private or hybrid cloud and the customer.

The customer’s responsibility is sometimes overlooked, as organizations assume others will take steps to insure that data is not compromised or if a breach does occur that it will be encrypted.

Cloudberry Labs allow users to deploy their own managed S3 account, and deploy client side encryption insuring that their responsibilities are met before the data leaves their premises. In addition to local, network and FTP/SFTP storage locations, all CloudBerry solutions are designed to work with all major cloud storage vendors including: Amazon Web Services, Windows Azure, Google Cloud Storage and other public cloud vendors.


For more info, go to


Ofir Nachmani @iamondemand and  interviews Alexander Negrash Marketing Director CloudBerry Lab  



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