SDRNews: On-Site Interviews

SDRNews: On-Site Interviews

Snapshots: May Not Be the Migration Answer

December 11, 2014

Migration and Disaster recovery usually relies upon file snapshots, database mechanisms, or other manual processes that are detached from one another. A point in time snapshot must be caught up in time once the application migration has completed, in order to incorporate additional transactions. Cloud Endure started providing replication of apps from one AWS Region to another. Using the same technology they extended into the migration space, getting not only the entire application stack into the cloud but the data as well. Their product offers continuous block level replication for any application that runs on Windows or Linux, without zero downtime and adverse affect on the performance of the application. 

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CloudEndure at AWS re:Invent 2014

Migration and Disaster Recovery usually rely upon file snapshots, database mechanisms, or other manual processes that are detached from one another. Simply put, they “might not be the droids you looking for”.  A point in time snapshot must be caught up in time once the application migration has completed, in order to incorporate additional transactions. During AWS re:Invent 2014 we learned that Cloud Endure started providing replication of apps from one AWS Region to another. Using the same technology they extended into the migration space, moving not only the entire application stack into the cloud but the data as well. Their product offers continuous block level replication for any application that runs on Windows or Linux, without zero downtime and adverse affect on the performance of the application.

For more info, go to


Ofir Nachmani @iamondemand and  interviews Gonen Stein, Vice President Business Development – CloudEndure 



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