SDRNews: On-Site Interviews

SDRNews: On-Site Interviews

The Hidden Cost of Enterprise Cloud Migration

November 26, 2014
EVTT-349-4 CloudVelox

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Cloud Velox AWS re:Invent 2014 Accelerating Automation is Critical Path

While many vendors focus on the economies of operation in the cloud, they often gloss over the very real cost of getting on the cloud in the first place. Broadscale movement of production apps into AWS can involve hundreds if not thousands of hours of work. For AWS to fully realize its potential, automation tools to perform the movement of these workloads is essential. In this interview, Ofir discusses the long term implications of some of the AWS re:Invent 2014 announcements that shows AWS clearly targeting the enterprise with Greg Ness of CloudVelox.


Ofir Nachmani @iamondemand and  interviews Greg Ness, Worldwide VP Marketing, CloudVelox.




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