SDRNews: On-Site Interviews

SDRNews: On-Site Interviews

HP Mobile Devices Attract and Retain Talent

June 22, 2014

Mobility Challenges many Enterprises. HP's Carol Hess, VP WW Commercial Product Management explains that today's workforce challenges an IT administrator to provide devices that allow professionals to work from a variety of locations at any time. Consumer devices arrive with such variety and capabilities that it's hard to include features such as security and administration that enterprise management views as essential. 


A fully capable suite of mobile devices is important in attracting and retaining talent, especially with Millenials and Digital Natives . Carol provides a look at at detachable mobile device announced the HP ProX-2 tablet that combines tablet with docking Powerbase offering full HD resolution and a number of expansion ports, extending the battery life in excess of fourteen hours.  Security features such as fingerprint readers and security cards are supported.


We also take a look at the HP EliteBook 1040,  a contrasting unit that is optimized for executive use and examine some of the tradeoffs between the two user types in the enterprise. Evaluation units for the HP ProX-2 will be available in September .



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New HP ProX-2 Tablet for Laptop Replacement



Mobility Challenges many Enterprises. HP’s Carol Hess, VP WW Commercial Product Management explains that today’s workforce challenges an IT administrator to provide devices that allow professionals to work from a variety of locations at any time. Consumer devices arrive with such variety and capabilities that it’s hard to include features such as security and administration that enterprise management views as essential.

A fully capable suite of mobile devices is important in attracting and retaining talent, especially with Millennials and Digital Natives . Carol provides a look at at detachable mobile device announced the HP ProX-2 tablet that combines tablet with docking Powerbase offering full HD resolution and a number of expansion ports, extending the battery life in excess of fourteen hours. Security features such as fingerprint readers and security cards are supported.

We also take a look at the HP EliteBook 1040, a contrasting unit that is optimized for executive use and examine some of the tradeoffs between the two user types in the enterprise. Evaluation units for the HP ProX-2 will be available in September .
