Evolve Faster with Scott Ely

Evolve Faster with Scott Ely

EF39 (S2-E0): LIFE, UPGRADED: Welcome to Season Two of the Evolve Faster Podcast

January 07, 2020

Welcome to Life, Upgraded. On 1/21/2020, ten new cautionary tales of speculative fiction begin to drop every other week. The goal of Season Two of the Evolve Faster Podcast is to help you explore the contracts you’ve unwittingly signed with society and its layers of cultural institutions. Then it will be up to you to decide if it’s time to tear up and rewrite any of them. Season One of the EFP was themed around MIND. Are you thinking both critically and creatively? Are you managing your emotional and consistently upgrading your EQ? In summary, are you using your mind well? With your mind in check, you can now step out into life with better footings and a broader perspective. So Season Two is about LIFE. Humanity rose to the top of the food chain because of our ability to cooperate and communicate; but life in society also causes much of the anguish and suffering that exists in the human condition. Also, life in cultures and society comes with vastly more unknowns and challenges — you thought managing one mind was a challenge? To learn how to live and be happy also requires understanding how to navigate the complex intermeshing of the billions of minds and collective fictions we call society. This season is also a philosophical meditation about the next 25 years. It doesn’t take radical extrapolation of the trends we’re already on to envision how overdependence on technology might go awry, putting risk our humanity’s last remaining stronghold: actually being human. Are you ready for a life, upgraded?