Evolve Faster with Scott Ely

Evolve Faster with Scott Ely

EF15 (AMA): Ask Me Anything — About Scott Ely and Evolving a Philosophy of Life

May 28, 2019

Welcome to the first AMA Episode! Evolve Faster is my laboratory to write and think about ideas in an attempt to learn to be a better human…which can be surprisingly difficult! But with a series of minor mindset shifts, it doesn’t have to be so hard. I’ve been experimenting with these ideas on a daily basis for over a decade and did a TEDx talk about one narrow aspect of it in 2015. I’m sharing the platform in the hope that learning from my many mistakes might make someone else’s evolution go a little faster. The question I’d like you to ponder as we go through this episode is the same one I’ll be trying to figure out myself as we go through this particular AMA. And that is: What is the most important thing you’ve learned through all the key experiences of your life? And how often do you reflect on those lessons towards improving how you live? Even if you’re like me and don’t prefer revealing a lot about yourself, I do think this kind of self-reflective exercise is very important towards living an examined life.