Evolve Faster with Scott Ely

Evolve Faster with Scott Ely

EF14 (BTP): Behind the Evolve Faster Podcast — The Making of a Speculative Fiction Meets Philosophical Nonfiction Podcast

May 21, 2019

The Evolve Faster Podcast with Scott Ely is a laboratory of practical philosophy and applied psychology delivered through speculative fiction. The 30-60 minute episodes experiment with the possibilities of changing human nature through the cautionary tales of where the world might be headed next. The goal is to push boundaries, explore challenging topics and guide listeners towards self-directed upgrades of mind, life, and soul. Samuel Butler wrote that “life is like playing violin in public and learning to play as you go.” But what if the ability to play brilliantly was within you all along? Assume you do have it within you and pose yourself this thought experiment: What if you could start over with a brain unhindered by evolutionary hangovers? A fresh life with no societal baggage and an aspirational soul with a complete focus towards finding meaning to your existence? In other words, what if that nagging question—what in the hell am I supposed to do?—was easy to answer? It is with this existential question, and this overarching thought experiment, where this podcast and platform finds its roots.