Everything’s An Illusion Podcast

Everything’s An Illusion Podcast

10- Birds on Mars,Remembrance day,Lowkey,Warcraft,Highlander

November 14, 2015

Welcome to Everythings’s An Illusion Podcast . In this episode I am again joined by the bearded master of Sci Fi Greg Andrew, where we quick fire back and forth covering topics such as The Birds on Mars, Remembrance day and how it has been politically hijacked, Lowkey- Soundtrack for a struggle,The new world Warcraft trailer , classic film Highlander and The Dog brother take on Higher conciousness through harder contact. So sit back , relax and enjoy. Also please fell free to comment, give us your feedback and subscribe on twitter, Youtube and FB. And a wee share (http://www.everythingsanillusion.com/wp-includes/images/smilies/simple-smile.png)



Birds of Mars

http://m.disclose.tv/news/alien_birds_flying_across_martian_sky_in_curiosity_rover_images_nasa_no_comment/124300 (http://m.disclose.tv/news/alien_birds_flying_across_martian_sky_in_curiosity_rover_images_nasa_no_comment/124300)



https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lowkey (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lowkey)


