Everything Ham Radio Podcast

Everything Ham Radio Podcast

ETH094 – Merry Christmas!!

December 21, 2017

Hello everybody and welcome back to the Everything Ham Radio Podcast!
Tech Corner – Merry Christmas!

* Changes in 2018

* Email subscribers – currently send email every post. Will be doing just a weekly email with all the blog posts and podcast episodes in it. It will also be more personalized rather than just a “here is what was posted†type email
* I am going to be writing more blog posts than I have in the past two years
* I am going to change my website to include a news area where I can put news type articles in that won’t be included in my email.
* I would also like to find some people who might want to write some articles for my site, even some regular contributors.
* As far as my podcast goes, I will be sticking with an every other week show. I might end up shortening it though to like half an hour rather than a full hour or more. This I haven’t decided on yet though.
* My 100th episode is coming up in 6 weeks, it will be on March 15th if my math is correct. I am wanting to do something really special for it. Maybe have some items to give a way or something.

* What are you wanting to different in the new year?

* I would like to get y’all, my audience, involved a little more as well. I would like to challenge y’all to get out and do something that you haven’t done before or haven’t done much before and tell me about it. Either record a short audio clip on your computer and email it to me or record a speak pipe message on my website and tell me what you want to different next year.

* Arrl grid chase

* New year long ARRL sponsored contest that starts on January 1, 2018 and run through December 31, 2018
* The goal is to make as many contacts in as many maidenhead gridsquares per month as you can. Each month your total resets and you can rework every grid square
* Contacts can be made on any band except 60m and on CW, SSB, and digital. Each contact for the three mode types count as a contact
* Contacts must be logged through the ARRL LoTW

* Millennials and amateur radio

* Millennials are killing ha Radio by N0SC – http://n0ssc.com/posts/583-millennials-are-killing-ham-radio
* Millennials are Reinventing Ham Radio by KB1LQS – http://www.amateurradio.com/millennials-are-reinventing-ham-radio/

West Mountain Radio
Are you looking to get some new gear from West Mountain Radio? Maybe you are looking for a RigRunner, RigBlaster, PWRcheck, or others? Now is the time to do it! Click on the banner above to check out all the products that have been mentioned on this podcast. Click on the banner link the one above on that page to be taken to a list of all the available rebates that will be offered, starting tomorrow, 11/24/2017!

2xC Products

As yall know, I’m sure, I have been making signs for my listeners for a couple months now. I have a few and have really enjoyed myself doing it. You may also know that I have been trying to find a way to bring in some extra money for my family after we adopted our 4 kids back in July.
They say that if you do what you love you will love you job. That is very true. I love what I do and I love my job, most of the time. I also love doing woodworking, so why not do that to bring in some extra money for my family, right? So that is what we are doing. My wife and I are starting our own business, making handcrafted items, more than just signs.