Everyday Property Manager | Customer Service | Communication Skills | Multi-Family Housing | Managem

Everyday Property Manager | Customer Service | Communication Skills | Multi-Family Housing | Managem

036_Customer Service for Move in Day

February 01, 2016

Move in day is a day that is full of stress and excitement for you and your new resident. This episode talks about move in day and gives you some great tips to make that day go as smooth as possible.
Moving can be stressful. Why not make the day go better with some great customer service that you can create. There are many things we can do as managers to help our residents a little on the big move day. If possible, you could allow your new resident to sign the lease and pick up the keys a few days early. Also, providing water, snacks and note cards of thanks, in the home, is a great way to show appreciation.
What things can you do to make the move in day go great for your new resident? Working on great customer service is your ticket to a happy resident. Remember, a happy resident has a tendency to tell their friends about you and your rental. This is the best form of advertisement. So, think of some great move in ideas and implement them today. Your resident will love you for it!
Now you’re ready to make it a great day!
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