Entrepreneur roadmap to success and positive impact

Entrepreneur roadmap to success and positive impact

Episode 155 Ion Valis

September 16, 2017

Ion Valis is a strategic advisor who has spent the last decade serving top executives and organizations around the world. He helps them accelerate their development, reinvent themselves periodically and transform their errors into magnificent mistakes
Ion has worked as a Press Secretary on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, helped launch and run a groundbreaking international mobile media initiative at a Fortune Global 50 company in London, was a senior executive in a fast-growing technology start-up in Montreal and served as president of an international foundation focused on empowering the next generation of young public leaders. Ion is also a well-respected author, speaker, and thinker on business strategy. In 2014, he published “The Magnificent Mistake: How We Can Earn More from Failure than We Learn from Success”. It describes an innovative system he developed to teach leaders and teams how to systematically learn from their errors. In 2016, he presented a thought-provoking talk on “Why we need a “Leadership Operating System” now” at TedXMcGill. Ion has an MBA from London Business School as well as a Master's Degree in Political Science from Western University and an undergraduate degree from McGill University.

Website: www.IonValis.com
Medium: https://medium.com/@ion.valis
Twitter: @IonValis
The Magnificent Mistake on Amazon: http://amzn.com/0993931502 (paperback) | http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00LG20TF2 (Kindle)