Entrepreneur roadmap to success and positive impact

Entrepreneur roadmap to success and positive impact

Episode 153 Sue Ellson

July 11, 2017

Sue Ellson BBus MIML MAHRI CDAA (Assoc) ASA MPC was born in Adelaide and moved to Melbourne in 1994. She joined LinkedIn on 21 December 2003 and is one of the first 80,000 people in the world on the platform. She has been consulting on the topic of LinkedIn since 2008 and launched her first three 80,000 word books in 2016. She has a background in banking, training, recruitment, HR, marketing, employment, websites and social media and her first website, Newcomers Network.com went online in 2001. She created GlobalMobilityNetwork.com in 2010, Camberwell Network.com in 2012 and 120 Ways Publishing in 2015. She is currently an Independent LinkedIn Specialist providing consulting and training on the topics of LinkedIn, social media and marketing to individual clients and organisations worldwide. She also provides a variety of LinkedIn and Career Advice services for local and international companies, teaches at various educational facilities and provides business consulting services to private clients internationally.

120 Ways To Achieve Your Purpose With LinkedIn
120 Ways To Attract The Right Career Or Business
120 Ways To Market Your Business Hyper Locally

Available on Amazon, Book Depository and 120 Ways Publishing.


Connections via LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter,