Entrepreneur roadmap to success and positive impact

Entrepreneur roadmap to success and positive impact

Episode 149 Jonathan Friesen Mission Group

May 19, 2017

Jonathan was privileged to have been raised in a small Japanese coastal town on the edge of the Japan Sea during the rapid economic growth of the 1960s.  Having attended boarding school in Tokyo in the 70s and University in Los Angeles in the 80s, Friesen quickly gained a broad perspective, which pointed him in the direction of the business world. After settling in Vancouver in 1983, he began a career in property development by building high-rise communities in the Vancouver downtown core and resorts in the South Seas.  After several years, the Friesen family retired on the island of Grand Cayman and took part in a charitable housing organization.  By 2002, Friesen was ready to move back to British Columbia to reengage with the property development world. The dawn of Mission Group has illuminated many opportunities in Kelowna and the Lower Mainland of Vancouver.  Friesen currently serves in the role of CEO of Mission Group Enterprises.  He is primarily involved in corporate growth strategy, vision and the cultivation of strategic partnerships and financing.