Entrepreneur roadmap to success and positive impact

Entrepreneur roadmap to success and positive impact

Episode 152 Dan Moyle Interview Valet - Entrepreneur roadmap to success and positive impact

June 15, 2017

Dan Moyle the Inbound Evangelist CTO of  Interview Valet promotes helpful, engaging marketing over interruptive advertising. Coming to marketing from the TV news business, Dan brings a
wealth of knowledge from writing to video production to multimedia content
creation. He says, “I’d rather help someone reach 50 ideal customers
rather than 5,000 passive viewers.”
A believer in servant leadership, Dan can be found behind the scenes at
work with organizations like Talons Out Honor Flight and Interview Valet,
lifting others up with service and a strong work ethic.

* Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07262HYZ1/
Print: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1521398623
* Our "welcome page" http://interviewvalet.com/roadmap