Even If You Miss...

Even If You Miss...

Even If You Miss… Season 1 Episode 4 – Finding Gratitude in the Small Things

October 29, 2019

Gratitude means being thankful, but it’s easy to be thankful about the big things in our life like family and friends.  It is harder to be thankful for the little things.

Little things like a smile from a friend, a bumble bee buzzing around a flower on a warm, spring day, holding your little sister or brother’s hand while you walked them across the street, or the sound of the rainfall.

These are things we have to look for when we are feeling negative. This will help to change our perspective to realizing it may not be so bad after all.  This episode also talks about strategies to build a gratitude practice into our daily lives.

Remember to turn what we have now into being enough.

Gratitude is the magic that can make us all happier if we just open our eyes and notice it.