EV Now - electric vehicle tech, innovations and info

EV Now - electric vehicle tech, innovations and info

12: Micromobility - Zoomo

October 17, 2021

Welcome the first of hopefully many episodes focussing on micromobility.

In this episode we talk with Lisa Conibear, Zoomo UK & EU Regional Director. Zoomo are an innovative micromobility company - they describe themselves as “The World’s leader in light electric vehicles (LEVs) and after-market servicing built on the experience of thousands of delivery riders.”

Subjects discussed:

e-bikes for individual couriers and commercial use

subscription models

last mile delivery

city transformations through cycling infrastructure

cool tech

shared micromobility

e-bike theft prevention technology 

predictive maintenance 

and some job openings at Zoomo!

Zoomo on EV Directory https://www.evdirectory.co/listings/ebikes-scooters/australia/sydney/zoomo/



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