Eric and Stacey - Talking Rubbish

Eric and Stacey - Talking Rubbish

(107) Everyone needs to calm down - Brookfield Zoo employee / Duggar Family / Caitlyn Jenner

June 12, 2015

It's been a while! So much to complain about. I'm pretty sure not one single person reads show notes, but here you go.
-Blowing a tire sucks. But can provide you with a funny story.
-The internet "heros" get all upset about being called rude and get someone fired from their job. Way to go internet. Hope you feel good about yourself.
-Bruce / Caitlyn...I don't care anymore. At this point I just want her to go away.
-Discovery channel and network. Get your S together.
-Dumb F of the week.
-Space porn
And some other stuff...I've grown tired of typing. This is dumb, stop reading and just listen.